Become a Member!


Why join the Portola Neighborhood Association?

  1. Represent and promote the PNA Vision, Mission, projects, and events. This can include participation or leadership on a PNA Committee.

  2. Serve as active stewards of the PNA’s many art and garden projects, which are supported by membership donations.



How to join the PNA

1) Fill out the PNA membership form.


2) Pay the $25 annual dues.

Annual dues can also be paid by:
• Venmo (@portolasf)
Check, mailed to our fiscal sponsor: Family Connections Centers, Attention: Portola Neighborhood Association, 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94134

Thank you for supporting the Portola Neighborhood Association!


Members are welcome to support the PNA’s work through our Committees, which focus on projects, events, and improvement for the neighborhood.

Learn more about getting involved here.