Hey Neighbor Cafe
Pictured: Max and Som, Hey Neighbor Cafe team members. All photos courtesy of Hey Neighbor.
Words by Max Garrone, PNA Board Member
Merchant spotlight: Hey Neighbor Cafe
Hey Neighbor Cafe is one of the newest additions to the San Bruno strip. Launched this past summer in the old Four Barrel space, it serves up all the finely honed espresso drinks that you’d expect from this stunning space that spills out onto Burrows’ dead end with patio seating. Inside you can linger over your drink, doodle in the Japanese coloring books, or stare into the amazing handcrafted ceiling. Managed by Dee, you’ll frequently find them chatting with clients or tending to Boots, the neighborhood cat that runs Burrows Pocket Park.
Dee has lived in the Portola for more than 10 years so they bring a real passion to the neighborhood, which is “near and dear to my heart,” they said. And it shows: Dee has worked closely with the Portola Garden Club to unify the little plaza out front of Hey Neighbor with seating embedded into the garden space that really exalts the amazing job our local garden heroes have done.
When you’re there, definitely try Hey Neighbor’s espresso drinks! Crafted with beans from Monterey’s Captain + Stoker, they feature standard espresso drinks but also fun affogato variations and are now featuring a Golden Milk Latte (turmeric, date sugar and black pepper cinnamon).
Dee has embraced the “cottage food ethos'' by featuring foods from licensed home kitchens, since cottage food cooks are predominantly people of color and women trying to break into the food industry. Hey Neighbor Cafe currently carries excellent loaves from Rize Up Bakery as well as puffed pastries from Mahalo SF filled with unique fillings like pumpkin and egg, and cheese.
Hey Neighbor Cafe
Signature items: Double Toasted Sesame Sourdough Toast with seasonal jam, Galaxy Tea (Iced tea lemonade with butterfly pea flower, rose water and elderberry), Blue Matcha
Founded: Summer 2021
Business address: 2 Burrows St, San Francisco, CA 94134
Business hours: Mon - Fri: 7am - 2pm • Sat & Sun: 8am - 3pm
Phone number: (415) 619-4091
Services: Dine-in, take-out
Credit card and cash accepted
商户资料:Hey Neighbor Cafe
Max Garrone(PNA董事会成员)的照片和文字
嘿邻居咖啡馆是圣布鲁诺(San Bruno) 地带的最新成员之一。去年夏天在old Four Barrel space 推出,它提供所有精心磨练的浓缩咖啡饮料,您可以从这个精致的咖啡馆中获得所有精制的浓缩咖啡饮料,延伸在Burrow外的露台座位。您可以在里面流连忘返的喝一杯,在日本着色书上涂鸦,或欣赏令人惊叹的手工天花板。由 Dee 管理,您会经常发现它们与客户聊天或照顾 Boots,经营 Burrows Pocket 公园的社区猫。
Dee 已经在 Portola 生活了 10 多年,因此它们为这个社区带来了真正的热情,Dee说这是“我心目中的挚爱”。它表明:Dee 与 Portola Garden Club 密切合作,将 Hey Neighbor 前面的小广场与嵌入花园空间的座位统一起来,这确实提升了我们当地花园英雄所做的完美作品。
当你在那里时,一定要尝尝 Hey Neighbor 的浓缩咖啡饮料!由来自 Monterey's Captain + Stoker的咖啡豆制成,它们具有标准的浓缩咖啡饮料和有趣的 affogato 变化。现在以金色牛奶拿铁(姜黄、枣糖和黑胡椒肉桂)为特色。
Dee 通过展示来自获得许可的家庭厨房的食物来接受“cottage food ethos”,因为私房菜厨师主要是有色人种和试图进入食品行业的女性。 嘿邻居咖啡馆目前提供来自 Rize Up Bakery的优质面包以及来自 Mahalo SF 的膨化糕点,其中填充有独特的馅料,如南瓜、鸡蛋和奶酪。
营业地址:2 Burrows Street
营业时间:周一至周五:上午 7 点至下午 2 点 • 周六和周日:上午 8 点至下午 3 点
电话号码:(415) 619-4091
Perfil comerciante: Hey Neighbor Cafe
Escrito por Max Garrone (miembro de la junta de la PNA)
Hey Neighbor Cafe es una de las adiciones más nuevas en San Bruno Avenue. Lanzado el verano pasado en el antiguo espacio Four Barrel, sirve todas las bebidas espresso finamente perfeccionadas que esperarías de este impresionante espacio que se extiende hasta el callejón sin salida de Burrows con asientos en el patio. En el interior, puede quedarse con su bebida, entretenerse con los libros para colorear japoneses o contemplar el increíble techo hecho a mano. Administrado por Dee, los encontrará con frecuencia charlando con clientes o atendiendo a Boots, el gato callejero que dirige Burrows Pocket Park.
¡Cuando estés allí, definitivamente prueba las bebidas espresso de Hey Neighbor! Elaborados con café de Captain + Stoker de Monterey, incluyen bebidas de espresso estándar pero también divertidas variaciones de affogato y ahora incluyen un Golden Milk Latte (cúrcuma, azúcar de dátil y pimienta negra, canela).
Dee ha adoptado el "espíritu de la comida casera" al presentar alimentos de cocinas caseras autorizadas, ya que los cocineros de comida casera son predominantemente personas de color y mujeres que intentan ingresar a la industria alimentaria. Hey Neighbor Cafe actualmente ofrece excelentes panes de Rize Up Bakery, así como pasteles inflados de Mahalo SF llenos de rellenos únicos como calabaza, huevo y queso.
Hey Neighbor Cafe
Especialidades: el char siu (cerdo chino a la barbacoa), pancita de cerdo, pato asado.
Propietarios: Flora y Ping Lum
Fundado: 1 de abril de 1996
Dirección comercial: 2550 San Bruno St., San Francisco, CA 94134
Horas de oficina: 9am - 8pm
Número de teléfono: (415) 468-5309
Servicios: Cenar o llevar
Solamente efectivo