Poster by Hey Neighbor
Start your Pride festivities by picking up brunch in the Portola. Check out our handy guide to Portola brunch spots.
We’ll have outdoor seating set up at Hey Neighbor, a new cafe at 2 Burrows and at Burrows Pocket Park Extension, the new gardens located behind Bank of the West. We’ll be offering a sneak peek of the park, which features amphitheater seating.
Free parking will be available in the Bank of the West parking lot.
Thumbnail image by Rica Sunga-Kwan, PNA member & owner of Churn Urban Creamery
Portola 早午餐
星期日,6月27日,9am - 2pm
在 Portola 享用早午餐,开始您的骄傲庆祝活动。我们将在 2 Burrows 的新咖啡馆 Hey Neighbor 设置户外座位。或者在位于West Bank后面的新花园 Burrows Extension 享用美食。 Bank of the West 停车场将提供停车位。
Brunch Hop de Portola
Domingo 27 de junio, a partir de las 9 a.m. a las 2 pm
Comience sus festividades del Orgullo con un brunch en Portola. Instalaremos asientos al aire libre ubicados en Hey Neighbor, una nueva cafetería en el 2 Burrows. O disfrute de su comida en Burrows Extension, los nuevos jardines ubicados detrás de Bank of the West.
Habrá estacionamiento disponible en el estacionamiento de Bank of the West.