Advocate for the Portola Corridor Manager

Advocate for your neighborhood

The PNA Corridor Manager supports businesses in the Portola. Valerie Luu, the current Corridor Manager, assists merchants with loan and grant applications, lease negotiations, marketing vacant storefronts, marketing, permits, website development and shopping campaigns and events. These services are provided in-person with the assistance of interpreters/translators.

The Corridor Manager position is funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), an annual grant administered by the City of SF and awarded to neighborhood groups such as the PNA. The City is meeting in June and July to discuss their CDBG budget for 2021-2022. We need PNA members and the local community to write letters advocating for funding for the Portola CM in the 2021-2022 budget.



We need a minimum of 10 community letters to show the City the need for merchant support in the neighborhood.

Please email your letter to the PNA Exec Board and the City by the end of day on Wednesday, June 16th (contact info below.) They will be recorded by public comment.

If you miss that deadline, you can send it directly to the City. The deadline is June 24th by 5pm.


Maggie Weis, Chair

PNA Board Members: Lia Smith, Jon Logan, Tina Tam, Joe Lien, Raymond Ng, Lisa Magruder, Alex Hobbs, Sharon Ng, Priyoti Ahmed, Liana Koehler, Max Garrone, Matt Castagnola


Deadline: end of day on Wednesday, June 16th

Email it to PNA Exec Board: and the City of San Francisco

Subject line: Portola Corridor Manager funding CDBG 2021-2022



My name is [name] and I am a [PNA board member, resident, property owner, business owner (include business name), employee working] in the Portola (District 9). 

I am writing to advocate for funding of the Corridor Manager position on San Bruno Avenue.

Include your answer to one or more of these below questions as a personal testimony.

Thank you for your consideration.


[name / title / business name (if applicable)]



  • How has your business been affected by the pandemic? 

  • What are some ways the CM has assisted you this year? Examples: Provided free PPE, information on COVID-19 testing and vaccination, loan/grant applications, marketing, permits

  • Are there any loans/grants you heard about from the CM that you wouldn’t have applied for otherwise? Did you receive any loans/grants?


  • Why does the Portola community need designated business support? Examples include language and cultural barriers, the digital divide.

  • Why is a vibrant commercial corridor important to you? 

  • Has there been any information the CM provided on PNA social channels useful to you? Examples: Learning about new businesses or hearing about City resources through the PNA Facebook, Instagram or newsletter

Valerie Luu